BioSignalPi  v2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAbstractMenuAbstract menu object for PiFace CAD
 CBaseMenuHomepage of the Menu-system for the PiFace GUI
 CBluetoothMenuThe BluetoothMenu class
 CConvertEcgToIbiConverts textfile with ECG-data into IBI file
 CDataLoggerThe DataLogger class
 CDataStreamAbstract Interface that should be used for storing data in the memory
 CDeviceInterfaceAbstract interface for all devices
 CDeviceManagerHandles which device to connect through the DeviceInterface
 CEcgCaptureResponsible for communication with ADAS
 CEcgCaptureMenuMenu were the user can chosse between SettingsMenu or starting ECG-capture The start menu starts the ECG-capture and will capture until pressed again
 CEcgMockMock version of an device The EcgMock device will return sine and cosine functions as data
 CEcgStreamObjectStruct to store Biosignal data from a specific time, combined with DataStream it will store a sequence of sampled data
 CHomePageWidgetStartpage for the Biosignal PI software
 CHrvWidgetWidget responsible for the graphical interface of the HRV Analysis
 CLoadBigFileClass used to load a big .txt file in a new thread
 CMainWindowMainWindow holds all the different parts of the GUI Implements the different widgets used in the GUI and let the user decide wich widget to use by clicking the approbiate icon representing the different widgets the Biosignal PI software contains of
 CPiFaceControlAndViewHandles the eventloop of the PiFace GUI
 CPlotExtension of QwtPlot used for plotting data
 CPlotAndCaptureWidgetWidget used for capture and plotting of data from the connected DeviceManager
 CPlottingWidgetWidget that can read ECG information from file and plots the data
 CSamplingThreadDeviceInterface Class responsible for sampling ECG
 CSettingsMenuFor the PiFace GUI
 CSettingsSingletonSingleton containing all settings used by the Biosignal PI Framework
 CSettingsWidgetWidget used to change the different settings in SettingsWidget
 CSliderWidgetClass used by PlottingWidget to enable a slider for the different signals plotted