BioSignalPi  v2
Biosignal PI

Biosignal PI aim is to provide a flexible and affordable open-source platform and tools for physiological and biological measurements such as blood pressure, blood glucose, weight, body composition, activity monitoring, and brain and cardiac activity.In first step, electrocardiogram (ECG) with wide usage in diagnosing and monitoring of heart disease and even in monitoring the autonomic nervous system through heart-rate variability (HRV) is developed.

This version provides 5-12 leads ECG and respiration measurement system based on Raspberry PI, a credit-card-size single-board computer, and ADAS1000. ADAS1000 is introduced by Analog Devices includes all the components necessary to perform a five-lead ECG digital conversion with respiration and pacemaker-artefact detection in a single chip.

Functional Requirements:

Capture physiologicalsignal/data Store captured data Visualize sampled data in real time Visualize sampled data from file Process data

General Requirements:

Highly modular with interchangable parts Extendable Hardware independence Easy to deploy Testable classes,dependency reduction Open-source