BioSignalPi  v2
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1 #include "basemenu.h"
2 #include "ecgcapturemenu.h"
3 #include "bluetoothmenu.h"
6 {
8  options={"Ecg Capture", "Bluetooth"};
9 }
13  switch (currentOption){
14  case 0:
15  setUpperText();
16  newMenu=new EcgCaptureMenu;
17  break;
19  case 1:
20  setUpperText();
21  newMenu=new BluetoothMenu;
22  break;
23  }
24  return newMenu;
27 }
Definition: basemenu.cpp:5
Menu were the user can chosse between SettingsMenu or starting ECG-capture The start menu starts the ...
Abstract menu object for PiFace CAD.
Definition: abstractmenu.h:17
int numberOfOptions
number of elements stored in the options vector. To be set by the derived AbstractMenu object ...
Definition: abstractmenu.h:76
virtual AbstractMenu * newMenu()
Pure virtual function, creates the next Menu object Pure virtual function, that is meant to create a ...
Definition: basemenu.cpp:11
std::vector< std::string > options
std::vector containing the different options to display on the PiFace CAD To be set by the derived Ab...
Definition: abstractmenu.h:70
The BluetoothMenu class.
Definition: bluetoothmenu.h:10
virtual void setUpperText()
Sets the first row of the PiFace CAD to the current option choosen Uses the C library pifacecad...
Definition: abstractmenu.cpp:9
int currentOption
Counter that keeps track of the option visible on the PiFace CAD.
Definition: abstractmenu.h:82