BioSignalPi  v2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <settingssingleton.h>
5  fileName="default";
6  name="";
7  gender="";
8  birthDate="";
9  patientCode="";
10  recordingName="";
11  notes="";
12  sampleRate=500;
13  source="";
14  sourceId=4;
15  saveAsEdf=false;
17 }
21 }
24  static SettingsSingleton _instance;
25  return _instance;
26 }
28 void SettingsSingleton::setFileName(QString input){
29  fileName=input;
30 }
31  void SettingsSingleton::setName(QString input){
32  name=input;
33  }
34  void SettingsSingleton::setGender(QString input){
35  gender=input;
36  }
37  void SettingsSingleton::setBirthDate(QString input){
38  birthDate=input;
39  }
40  void SettingsSingleton::setPatientCode(QString input){
41  patientCode=input;
42  }
44  recordingName=input;
45  }
46  void SettingsSingleton::setNotes(QString input){
47  notes=input;
48  }
50  sampleRate=input;
51  }
52  void SettingsSingleton::setSource(QString input){
53  source=input;
54  }
56  sourceId=input;
57  }
59  saveAsEdf=input;
60  }
63  return fileName;
64  }
66  return name;
67  }
69  return gender;
70  }
72  return birthDate;
73  }
75  return patientCode;
76  }
78  return recordingName;
79  }
81  return notes;
82  }
84  return sampleRate;
85  }
87  return source;
88  }
90  return sourceId;
91  }
93  return saveAsEdf;
94  }
QString getPatientCode()
Returns a QString containing the value from private QString patientCode.
int getSampleRate()
Returns a int containing the value from private int sampleRate.
Singleton containing all settings used by the Biosignal PI Framework.
QString getRecordingName()
Returns a QString containing the value from private QString recordingName.
void setSourceId(int sourceId)
Used to set private int name.
QString getSource()
Returns a QString containing the value from private QString source.
void setName(QString name)
Used to set private variable name.
void setBirthDate(QString birthDate)
Used to set private variable birthDate.
QString getName()
Returns a QString containing the value from private QString name.
void setSampleRate(int sampleRate)
Used to set private variable sampleRate.
bool getSaveAsEdf()
Returns the private bool saveAsEdf.
void setSource(QString source)
Used to set private QString source.
static SettingsSingleton & instance()
Retrives a reference to the ONE and ONLY SettingsSingleton created for the application.
void setRecordingName(QString recordingName)
Used to set private variable recordingName.
QString getFileName()
Returns a QString containing the value from private QString fileName.
void setPatientCode(QString patientCode)
Used to set private variable patientCode.
Protected constructur called by instance() to create ONE and ONLY ONE SettingsSingleton.
void setSaveAsEdf(bool saveAsEdf)
Set the private bool saveAsEdf.
void setNotes(QString notes)
Used to set private variable notes.
QString getGender()
Returns a QString containing the value from private QString gender.
void setFileName(QString fileName)
Used to set private variable fileName.
int getSourceId()
Returns a int containing the value from private int sourceId.
QString getNotes()
Returns a QString containing the value from private QString notes.
QString getBirthDate()
Returns a QString containing the value from private QString birthDate.
void setGender(QString gender)
Used to set private variable gender.